
The days are passing swiftly and the many things we are learning are helping to enrich the projects we are drawing up on the circumscription and continental levels. It is becoming always clearer to us that the two great “roads” we must follow are communications and the Word of God.

Today we focused on the situations of our circumscriptions and communities dependent on the General Government so as to begin to draft redesigning projects that will lead us to truly revitalize our Pauline life and mission. In our sharing of ideas in the assembly it was surprisingly easy to come to a convergence of thought concerning the elements we consider to be “beacons” for all FSPs, namely: the Word of God, study and formation, a greater use of the Internet (including in pastoral work for vocations), our “China project,” collaboration with the laity….

These are the solid foundations on which tomorrow we will begin to sketch out a Project for redesigning our presence on the continental level. We cannot limit ourselves to dreams: we must draw up a concrete plan, supported by all of us, with clear stages to be implemented over both the short and medium terms. We feel that the Spirit is leading us and this fills us with serenity and trust.

Our labors are “sweetened” every day by the wonderful snacks and delicious meals prepared by our sisters. The fraternal and thoughtful service they are providing for us in so many different ways truly console and fortify us, as you can see in the pictures posted in the photo gallery. To each and everyone one of them, our sincere thanks!
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