

We are at the threshold of departure… Today was a very laborious one, but filled with the joy that we are on the way to a concrete Project Europe, pressing forward with immense horizons. And, above all, we have a vivid awareness that we live in a special time of “historical calls” that appeal to our vocational responsibility and give us the needed impetus that will help us conquer the timidity we might feel when faced with the challenge of our poverty.

The Project was born of the participation of everyone, the fruit of a research that was patient and focused. The methodology carried out by Sr. Battistina Capalbo channelled the researches and discussions forward, orienting them toward the final objective without losing any of the input of the Assembly. 
Even though the Project we have taken on is demanding, we are sure that it will give us new wings, and will be nourishing for the lives of our communities. 
We thank all the sisters who have accompanied us and all our friends who have visited our website. Until we meet again!


Come era nel programma, oggi abbiamo continuato gli scambi e le discussioni, per arrivare ad alcune ipotesi concrete di cammino condiviso, che sono la base di un Progetto di continente.

I punti più rilevanti e stimolanti hanno riguardato:
–    la pastorale vocazionale, che va intensificata, aiutandoci reciprocamente con idee e strategie, fino a tentare di pianificare azioni congiunte. L’iniziativa della GMG (Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù) prevista per il 2011 sarà l’occasione per pianificare la nostra partecipazione come Figlie di San Paolo d’Europa;
–   la formazione continua, che abbraccia la dimensione spirituale e culturale, l’aggiornamento apostolico e la riflessione sulla realtà europea;
–   l’apostolato, nella ricerca di vie, modalità e tempi per condividere di più i vari momenti e iniziative, e per verificare insieme temi importanti e imprescindibili che danno vita alla missione in Europa: la redazione, le librerie, le nuove tecnologie digitali, la collaborazione dei laici… 
Tutto quanto è stato condiviso ci ha aiutato a guardare con assoluta concretezza al futuro, scegliendo cosa fare insieme, determinando passi fattibili, possibili e verificabili.
Continuiamo a ricevere i vostri saluti e l’assicurazione delle vostre preghiere. Ne sentiamo l’effetto. Grazie!


How will we proceed to design “our” unified Europe? Thinking and working together, not leaving out some redesigning of geographical borders, making sure to unite, coordinate,and utilize our resources (of persons and media), and working in greater communion and collaboration. Along these two lines – guided by the information about the reality of Europe and of our communities – today we carried out our group work.

Truthfully, it was a painful work. We went through the various hypotheses almost on tiptoe … speaking about common plans for formative ambients, for communities, the mission, for assistence, for a more reciprocal and stable collaboration. We argued, too, while always seeking unity and respectful diversity.

We also carefully considered the possibility of some changes in the boundaries of our circumscriptions, to be able to breathe easier, increase our hope, and come out of isolation. 

And we underlined some criteria for our redesigning journey in Europe: quick decisions, a wise aand gradual implementation, the involvement of all the sisters, interior freedom and the courage that comes from faith.

Tomorrow we will come out with some concrete and shared hypotheses. Until now we have counted on your prayers and your accompaniment. Together, the Spirit and us, we will redesign Europe!


The days are flying by and our more complete grasp of the situations and challenges we face is helping to enrich the Projects we are drawing up on the local and continental levels.

During our work sessions today, we sketched out with surprising ease journeys that have many things in common–elements that can serve as beacons of light to give clarity and new depth to our life. These beacons are: spiritual renewal, new ways of proclaiming the Gospel, communications, multiculturality, study, the sharing of our charism with the laity, pastoral work for vocations, more open-mindedness with regard to Europe, and synergy among the FSPs who live and work on this continent….

We began to construct our Project by using the above-mentioned “bricks” to form the weight-bearing columns of this new edifice, which we call “the Pauline House.” In this common House, each Pauline community will preserve the characteristics and values specific to its country while at the same time collaborating with the others to forge a broader and more united community. A new and life-giving air must circulate in this House, Sr. M. Antonieta reminded us, so that all our communities of Europe can look to the future.

We are serene and filled with trust because we are convinced that the Spirit is leading us and also because of the support of your prayers, sisters.
Thank you!


Today we shared with the assembly the situations of the different European countries in which we live and work: persons, apostolic activities, formation and study, spirituality, economy…. We also voiced our hopes and fears concerning the redesigning process, which is aimed at infusing new vigor into our charism independently of the forms our presence will take here in Europe.

All our circumscriptions on this continent, both those founded decades ago and those of more recent date, plus our overseas communities in Quebec, are facing similar situations: the advancing age of their members; few young sisters; a financial situation that must be carefully monitored….

But the vitality of our sisters, especially in some communities in which passion for the apostolate is very intense, allows us to glimpse seeds of new life and the possibility of attracting new vocations to the Pauline life.

How should we approach this complex reality? Some aspects of it frighten us a little, but this very fear leads us to trust more in the Lord. Like our Founder, Blessed James Alberione, we feel that we too are half-blind and being led by the hand, and that in moving ahead we receive the light we need to proceed further. God is the light (cf. AD 202).

Today, we took a closer look at the socio-economic and political situation of Europeand also at the Church on this continent. The first topic was addressed by Dr. David Sassoli, a member of the European Parliament, and the second by Fr. Bartolomeo Sorge, sj, former director of the periodicals Civiltà Cattolica and Aggiornamenti Sociali.

In synthesis, this is what our guest speakers had to say about their respective topics:
Europe too is living in an accelerated way the consequences of globalization on the human, socio-economic and political levels. Traditional values are being discarded and replaced by new ones that are giving rise to a new civilization. Something unprecedented is emerging. There is no stopping the process of globalization, which brings with it a wealth of advantages but also many serious risks. Because of this, the process must be governed by political and moral choices capable of safeguarding the fundamental values of life.

In Europe’s new society, which has become irreversibly pluri-cultural and pluri-religious, the Church must carry out her mission in a new way: she must throw open her doors even wider in her service of humanity, renouncing her old supports and privileges and counting only on the power of the Word, on a mature faith and on the credible witness of Christians.

At the end of the day, during Evening Prayer, we thanked the Lord for the light he gave us through our guest speakers and for their splendid witness of faith and commitment.


Today, Saturday, we celebrated the Eucharist in the Queen of Apostles Sanctuary, a Temple dear to all the Daughters of St. Paul because it is associated with many beautiful memories of our Founders and is a visible witness to Fr. Alberione’s faith in Mary and gratitude to her.

We prayed intensively at the tombs of Blessed James Alberione and Venerable Thecla Merlo, asking them to help us proclaim the Gospel effectively in Europe and Quebec. We reminded them of the needs of all our communities, pleaded for vocations, and asked for light and guidance in drawing up our continental project. Afterward, we were free to arrange the day as we desired. Besides dedicating time to re-reading the material we have received in these days, studying it more deeply and praying about it, some sisters went to Albano to visit our sick sisters, while others ran errands, etc.

We want to sincerely thank the Superior General, her council and their collaborators for the content of this meeting, as well as all the sisters involved in the technical aspects of it–printing and compiling the hard copies of the talks, taking care of the equipment involved, and countless other “behind the scenes” services carried out so generously and discreetly. We especially want to thank Sr. Domenica Attardo–the “guardian angel” of the St. Paul House and coordinator of the kitchen.

Our thanks also to you, dear sisters scattered throughout the world, for your many prayers for a good outcome to this meeting. Please keep those prayers coming, asking grace and light for us through the intercession of our Founders!


Today we focused our attention on the different dimensions of the Pauline life: spirituality, formation, pastoral work for vocations, the apostolate, communications and the economy. The redesigning process gives priority to these spheres because they must be well lived if the Pauline life is to have a future.

It is up to us to ensure that the treasure we have received shines brightly and we do this by living well our spirituality, the unifying power of our life. Thus we must cultivate more intensely our life in the Spirit, who helps us to understand our charism always better, indeed, to incarnate it by striving to be active in contemplation and contemplative in action.
Pastoral work for vocations is one of the clearest signs of love for the Congregation, consequently we must dedicate more people and energy to it.

The talk on our formation reminded us that this is an important element in the renewal of all Institutes and encouraged us to attentively consider the challenges facing us in this area today. Afterward, we reflected on the need to explore new ways of sharing and living our Pauline charism and mission with the laity.
The conference on the apostolate underscored the apostolic call, which must revive in us the “flame” of mission, creative fidelity, openness of mind and heart, and help us share the feelings of Paul and Alberione, so as to proclaim the Gospel in an ever-changing culture.

The theme of communications–the “golden thread” running through the whole Pauline life–offers great challenges to our vocation. It invites us to view the future positively, to think and work together, to share our charism with the laity, and to strive to change our mentality…. In short, the Word of God and communications are redesigning our journey.

The sphere of the economy–especially in the light of the current worldwide economic crisis–is making a significant impact on the life and mission of the Daughters of St. Paul and urges us to cultivate greater communion, solidarity and industriousness.

Today was very demanding–a time rich in the comparison of ideas and in suggestions. Tomorrow we will celebrate the Eucharist in the Queen of Apostles Sanctuary so as to place our dreams and labors in the hands of Fr. Alberione and Maestra Thecla. Afterward, we will take time out for personal reflection and…a little rest. 


Today, after listening to our sisters present their overviews concerning the situations of the countries in which they live and work, we began to compare ideas and search for convergences common to our Pauline life in all the countries concerned, asking ourselves if we are a prophetic presence there, able to respond to the great challenges to our mission.

What challenges? Cultural change, multi-culturality and multi-religiosity all emerged as common denominators in the presentations of our sisters. We must become aware of these challenges and strive to meet them in a concrete way. Another challenge is that presented by the digital world–one that is very invasive but at the same time very fascinating, especially to young people. What technological languages, instruments and forms should we use for evangelization?

Faced with a confused society, the crisis of faith that Europe and Canada/Quebec are currently undergoing and the erosion of Christian ethics and values, we feel the need to “rediscover” ourselves as Daughters of St. Paul, pause to see what needs to be changed in our communities and lifestyle, and seek answers together. We should not be afraid to let new situations question us profoundly because it is precisely these that oblige us to purify the “already known” so as to renew our faith and Pauline life. Obviously, we must 
accept the fact that it is necessary to live in insecurity, with the same faith that prompted Paul to say: “When I am weak, then I am strong.”

We have been receiving messages and greetings from many of our sisters and communities. Your affectionate presence and prayers support us in our work and give us new thrust. We want to thank all of you for this and to let you know that we continue to count on your solidarity and help. You can follow our activities on our international web site and also, this coming Sunday, on Italian TV channel Rai 1, which will air a brief interview with Sr. M. Antonieta Bruscato on its program A sua immagine.


The Continental Meeting to reflect on and discern about the redesigning of our Pauline presences in Europe and Canada/Quebec opened today. Like the two preceding encounters (for Asia and Africa), in this “European” stage of our journey we are facing many complex situations present in the “Old World” and Quebec.

Participating in the meeting are Paulines from 12 different countries, all of whom are striving to listen carefully to the Spirit so as to grasp more clearly God’s plan for us and the path he wants us to follow here.

In her introduction to the meeting, Sr. M. Antonieta Bruscato, Superior General, in-vited us to “give wings” to our hope and to practice the art of listening attentively to one an-other so as to move in the right direction–one that will enable the redesigning process to foster growth and generate new life.

She reminded us of the pedagogy of taking “small steps” and pointed out several important areas of our life that require revitalization: the spiritual life, which must “reflower”; ongoing formation, which is characterized and defined by our mis-sion; community life, which needs to be improved; and mission, which must reignite in us the very same compassion of Jesus for humanity.

Now, through the presentations of the sisters, we have begun the process of compiling a “picture gallery” of the countries in which we live and work.
This will help us construct a common platform of knowledge that will allow us to search for new paths to pursue in the future.


12. genn.                     -Arrivi e sistemazione
                                     – Celebrazione Eucaristica
                                     – Benvenuto e consegna delle cartelle
13. genn.                     – Saluto d’apertura – sr. M. Antonieta Bruscato
                                      – Presentazione programma e metodo di lavoro – sr. Battistina Capalbo
                                      – Relazione– sr M. Antonieta Bruscato
                                      – Scambio in Assemblea
Conoscenza della nostra realtà

13. pm – 14 e 15
         -Comunicazioni da parte delle Superiore di Circoscrizioni e Case dipendenti sulla realtà della propria nazione
                                        – Tavola rotonda a cura del Governo generale sui diversi ambiti della vita paolina
16 genn.                      – Celebrazione Eucaristica in Sottocripta
                                      – Giornata libera

Giornata di approfondimento

17 genn.                     
La realtà dell’Europa oggi (aspetti socio-politici)
                                       Relatore: dott. David Sassoli
                                     – La Chiesa in Europae la presenza delle Figlie di San Paolo
                                       Relatore: P. Bartolomeo Sorge
 Verso il futuro – Progetti locali e continentali
18 genn.                       – Valutazione delle risposte ricevute dalle Circoscrizioni
                                      – Comunicazioni delle Superiore di Circoscrizioni e Case dipendenti su passi compiuti
                                         e ipotesi di ridisegnazione
 19-20 genn.                Laboratorio: Verso il futuro – Progetti (locali e continentali) condivisi

Verso il futuro – Progetti di Congregazione

21 genn.                     
– Confronto in Assemblea sulle proposte emerse
22 genn.                      – Convergenza/consenso sui contenuti dei lavori svolti
                                      – Informazioni del Governo Generale
23 genn.                      – Verifica
                                      – Conclusione della Superiora generale
                                     Pomeriggio partenze

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