Category: RedesignEurope


And we underlined some criteria for our redesigning journey in Europe: quick decisions, a wise aand gradual implementation, the involvement of all the sisters, interior freedom and the courage that comes from faith.


Thank you!

But the vitality of our sisters, especially in some communities in which passion for the apostolate is very intense, allows us to glimpse seeds of new life and the possibility of attracting new vocations to the Pauline life.


Today, after listening to our sisters present their overviews concerning the situations of the countries in which they live and work, we began to compare ideas and search for convergences common to our Pauline life in all the countries concerned, asking ourselves if we are a prophetic presence there, able to respond to the great challenges to our mission.
What challenges? Cultural change, multi-culturality and multi-religiosity all emerged as common denominators in the presentations of our sisters. We must become aware of these challenges and strive to meet them in a concrete way. Another challenge is that presented by the digital worldone that is very invasive but at the same time very fascinating, especially to young people. What technological languages, instruments and forms should we use for evangelization?

The Continental Meeting to reflect on and discern about the redesigning of our Pauline presences in Europe and Canada/Quebec opened today. Like the two preceding encounters (for Asia and Africa), in this European stage of our journey we are facing many complex situations present in the Old World and Quebec.


13. pm 14 e 15 -Comunicazioni da parte delle Superiore di Circoscrizioni e Case dipendenti sulla realtà della propria nazione
17 genn. –La realtà dellEuropa oggi (aspetti socio-politici)
Verso il futuro Progetti di Congregazione
21 genn. – Confronto in Assemblea sulle proposte emerse
Pomeriggio partenze