Conversione e vocazione di Paolo (ita) |
Paolo, cieco, riprende il cammino (ita) |
Paolo recupera la vista con Anania (ita) |
Battesimo di Paolo (ita) |
Paolo è perseguitatao (ita) |
Paolo e la Chiesa di Antiochia (ita) |
Paolo e Barnaba – Primo viaggio missionario (ita) |
Paolo nellareopago (ita) |
Paolo con i collaboratori (ita) |
Il martirio di Paolo (ita) |
Month: October 2011
Today, together with the Holy Father and a very fervent crowd of worshipers, we celebrated Evening Prayer II for the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul in the splendid Basilica dedicated to him here in Rome. We were deeply moved by the faith of the people and the sense of ecclesiality that permeated the Basilica. It also thrilled us to hear the Benedictine monks solemnly intone in Gregorian chant words so dear to all the members of the Pauline Family: St. Paul, Apostle, preacher of truth and doctor of the Gentiles, intercede for us! Once again, we felt our Father very close to us.
Rome, 24 January 2009
We lived the days of our enlarged council meeting in the light of Paul, praying over the itinerary of his life, seeking to carry out our work with his spirit and making the effort to follow in his footsteps.
Rome, 23 January 2009
The Latin saying: motus in fine velocior, that is, things go faster at the end, is abso-lutely true. We can confirm this because today our work went very well and at high speed! The speed was deliberate, above all because many ideas are emerging and our views concern-ing the work of redesigning our presences are becoming more concrete.
Well be in touch again tomorrow!
Interview with Sr. Maggie Ishaq
Superior of the FSP Delegation of Pakistan
Sr. Maggie Ishaq, the Superior of our Pakistan Delegation, is participating in the enlarged council meeting on the theme of redesigning our FSP presences throughout the world. Sr. M. Antonieta Bruscato, Superior General, and Sr. Samuela Gironi, General Councilor for formation, made the Fraternal Visit to our communities in Pakistan from 15-30 November 2008. We asked Sr. Maggie to tell us about the FSP presence in Pakistan and the challenges to our Pauline mission there.
Rome, 22 January 2009
Today was dedicated to searching for the path to follow in redesigning our presences. Together, we clarified our reasons for undertaking this journey and the attitudes that should accompany it, such as faith, a sense of belonging to the Institute, great openness of mind and heart, discernment, a willingness to change, courage and determination.
Rome, 21 January 2009
Babel or Pentecost? Today our assembly swung between a Babel of many tongues, ways of expressing ourselves and points of view and a Pentecost of light and fire that worked the miracle of bringing about a convergence of ideas, time after time, concerning the objectives we want to reach by redesigning our presences. Today more than ever, the meet-ings facilitator, Sr. Battistina Capalbo, had many opportunities to demonstrate her ability to provide us with guidance and to summarize input clearly and briefly.
Rome, 20 January 2009
We are almost halfway through our journey and we want to thank you for all the mes-sages, best wishes and promises of prayer that you have sent us. All of this gives us great encouragement.
As Sr. M. Antonieta said in her letter of 15 May 2008: It is important to view the redesigning process as a process of personal, communitarian and structural renewal aimed at offering us hope and prospects for the future. It is a step that will help us respond to the formative and apostolic challenges we face in the various regions on the world in which we live and work. We also became aware of the important elements that can have a revitalizing effect on our Congregation, such as a sense of belonging to the Church, creative fidelity to the charism, governing with vision, supporting innovations, setting down clear objectives and increasing the flow of information so as to involve the whole Institute in this process.
Rome, 19 January 2009
Our day began with the presentation of the theme, What Type of Authority Is Necessary in the Process of Redesigning Our Presences? a topic deliberately chosen to provoke deeper reflection rather than discussion. Guest speaker Fr. Mario Aldegani, Superior General of the St. Joseph Fathers (founded by St. Leonard Murialdo in Turin, Italy) invited us to reflect on the local situations of the countries in which we live and work from the perspective of the world, not vice versa, because the process of redesigning our presences can be prophetic only if the Institute is considered to be a large family in which all the members base their planning and programming on a common vision.
Rome, 18 January 2009
Today the sisters participating in the enlarged council meeting took a virtual but very realistic tour of North and South America as they listened to the reports of the superiors from Canada, the United States, Mexico, Venezuela/Puerto Rico/Dominican Republic, Colombia/Ecuador, Peru/Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Argentina/Paraguay/Uruguay (15 countries in all).
How do our sisters on these two continents view the redesigning of our presences? What are their hopes and fears? In general, they are worried about the unknown and some of them are afraid of the new things that are emerging. However, they are all convinced that un-iting our energies and organizing ourselves in an enlightened way will help us respond to to-days challenges through the Pauline mission. Among the many challenges pinpointed by the superiors, the assembly was struck in particular by the data concerning how many people have emigrated to the United States in the past 8 years: almost 9 million people (and this number only concerns legal immigrants)1,174,127 from Europe; 2,737,511 from Asia, 3,512,165 from Central and South American, and 570,661 from Africa.
Rome, 17 January 2009
The work of the enlarged council continues as the participants seek to grasp the situa-tions of our various circumscriptions through the input of the superiors, who were invited to express their view of redesigning, sharing with everyone the positive elements and advan-tages they see in this process, along with the worries and problems of their circumscriptions and the goal they hope the redesigning will attain.
Now we are waiting to hear the input of our sisters from North and South America. Well let you know what they have to say as soon as we can.
Rome, 16 January 2009
After a Eucharistic Celebration presided over by Fr. Silvio Sassi, Superior General of the Society of St. Paul, the Daughters of St. Paul began their reflections and discernment on the complex and sensitive subject proposed by our 9th General Chapter (2007): the redesigning of our FSP presences throughout the world. Fifty-three sisters are participating in this meeting: the members of our General Government, our circumscription superiors and superiors of the communities dependent on the General Government, the sisters of the commission that prepared the meeting and the events facilitator, Sr. Battistina Capalbo.
The Superior General reminded everyone that today the Congregation must be able to grasp the signs of the times, look to the future, and search for paths that will allow our charism to reveal all its vitality. She further said that we must courageously adopt new ways of carrying out our mission, in a spirit of communion among ourselves and in collaboration with the laity. She concluded with the affirmation that she is convinced it will be easier for us to discover where the Lord is leading us if we keep our gaze fixed on the horizon, that is, on Christ, and allow ourselves to be led by the wind of the Spirit.
– Relazione: Dove ci porta il Signore – sr. M. Antonieta Bruscato
(Commissione Ridisegnazione)
Conoscenza della realtà
– Relazione II : Il processo di ridisegnazione delle presenze nelle istituzioni religiose: motivazioni, criteri, modalità
Conclusioni di sr. M. Antonieta Bruscato
Celebrazione dei Secondi Vespri della solennità della Conversione di San Paolo presso la Basilica di San Paolo